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In this tutorial i'll show you how you can install ImageMagick on cPanel

First make sure that there isn't any ImageMagick package already
installed. In order to do that type:

#rpm -qa |grep -i magick

You should remove it with rpm -e because cpanel will install a fresh version:

Log into the server as root and type:


It will take a while and ImageMagick will be installed. To check what
version was installed, type:

Successfully installed Image-Magick-6.74
1 distribution installed
ImageMagick installed ok

#convert -v
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.1-7 2012-02-16 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

For testing Perl Magick (Image::Magick), run:

# /scripts/checkimagemagick


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